see also: Head Tracker firmware release notes.
1.32 (2025-01-30)
- Carries firmware 0.73.
- Compiled with JUCE 8 / VS2022 (Windows) which appears to have fixed some reliability issues, particularly on AMD Ryzen. No longer compatible with macOS 10.10.
- Uses a prettier system tray icon (Windows).
1.31 (2024-10-10)
- Supports up to 32 OSC ports outputting in parallel (in theory, anyway).
- Fixed a few bugs in the MIDI scanner that might affect stability.
1.30 (2024-09-10)
- Carries firmware 0.72.
1.29 (2024-07-06)
- Added Audio Brewers profile.
- Corrected SPARTA profile.
1.28 (2024-05-19)
- Carries firmware 0.71.
- New slider in the Head Tracker Settings panel to change central pull speed.
- Raw data can now be output by adding “raw=” to the Profiles.txt file.
- Added BlackMagic DaVinci Resolve profile.
1.27 (2024-03-27)
- Bug fix: OSC messages containing single data items were broken in 1.26.
1.26 (2024-02-28)
- String constants can be added to OSC messages (in response to a customer experimenting with Klang).
1.25 (2024-01-25)
- Added profile for dearVR MIX SE / PRO 2 / MONITOR.
1.24 (2023-10-30)
- Carries firmware 0.70.
- ‘Quit Bridgehead’ on closing the window is now the default behaviour.
- Bug fix: ‘Ignore firmware updates’ option became inverted in some places.
- New option: ‘Start disconnected’ for those who prefer it.
- Improved upgrading behaviour for unserialised units.
1.23 (2023-10-25)
- Fixed initial crash when OSC profile was set to ‘Disabled’. Oops.
1.22 (2023-10-25)
- Carries firmware 0.69.
- Many fixes to stabilise the new features.
- Reinstated and improved firmware updating features.
- Shake-to-calibrate gesture replaces the old ones.
- Added profiles: a1Rotate, Genelec Audio ID, Spatial Audio Designer.
- Is now an official release.
1.21 (2023-09-11)
- Major refactor: multi-tracker Bridgehead.
- Improved GUI, with redesigned icons and a slicker animated head.
- Light and dark modes.
- Troubleshooting menu can be made sticky with Ctrl+Shift.
- Removed Facebook 360 profile.
- Not a full replacement for 1.20: does not support firmware update.
1.20 (2023-07-18)
- Added Dolby Atmos Renderer profile.
- macOS build now works down to OS X 10.10 (was 10.11)
1.19 (2023-04-02)
- Added support for /travel incoming OSC message.
1.18 (2023-03-29)
- Added a default profile for APL Virtuoso.
1.17 (2023-03-20)
- Carries bootloader 1.17 / firmware 0.68.
1 .16 (2023-02-15)
- Restarting logic during firmware upgrade improved.
- Carries bootloader 1.16 / firmware 0.67.
1.15 (2022-12-01)
- Fixed the bootloader upgrader so it no longer erases non-volatile data.
- Bug fix: could not manually connect to an already-attached head tracker on startup. (Not sure how we missed that.)
1.14 (2022-11-21)
- Added EAR Production Suite (EBU) profile.
- Corrected polarities for SPARTA and IEM profiles.
- Port number text in the bridge panel is slightly more descriptive.
- Improved behaviour of system tray mouse actions on Windows.
1.13 (2022-11-06)
- Added Mach1 profiles.
- Bug fix: crash on macOS caused by the button grid.
- Bug fix: profile settings are remembered properly again.
- Bug fix: raw compass data is now parsed properly.
- Bug fix: statefulness problems when invoking and closing the troubleshooting window.
- Fixed position of pop-up menu on macOS.
- Removed prompt to relocate to Application Folder on macOS and replaced distribution with .dmg file.
- New application icons.
- Carries bootloader 1.16 / firmware 0.66.
1.12 (2022-06-30)
- Bug fix: tracking update rate didn’t change until we disconnected/reconnected.
1.11 (2022-06-29)
- Altered the way that OSC profiles work to allow padding parameters.
- Added Nuendo Headpose profile.
- Exposed 25Hz update mode.
1.10 (2022-06-11)
- Can now turn off slow central pull.
- It’s slowed down from 0.5 degrees to 0.3 degrees per second.
- Carries bootloader 1.15 / firmware 0.65.
1.09 (2022-06-10)
- Fixed an endless connect/disconnect cycle bug in autoconnect mode.
- Carries bootloader 1.15 / firmware 0.64.
1.08 (2022-06-04)
- Refactored to allow easier open-sourcing in future.
- Carries bootloader 1.15 / firmware 0.63.
- Added profile for SPAT.
- Added ability to receive a zeroing instruction on an OSC port.
1.07 (unreleased)
- Created before a big refactor-quake. No new features.
1.06 (2021-11-20)
- macOS version contains a build for Apple Silicon.
1.05 (2021-09-20)
- Carries bootloader 1.12 / firmware 0.60.
- Unbundled OSC messages, improving compatibility with SPARTA and Ambi Head HD.
- Added profiles for SPARTA and Ambi Head HD.
- Firmware 0.60 fixes travel mode, so the caveat about the compass has been removed from the tracker panel.
1.04 (2021-07-13)
- Yaw/pitch/roll :0 mode added for learnable controls where :1 doesn’t work.
- Added SPARTA (learnable) default profile.
1.03 (2021-07-05)
- Carries bootloader 1.12 / firmware 0.59.
1.02 (2021-05-26)
- Added the Profiles.txt file so that people can make their own bridge profiles.
- Profiles can send messages to multiple user-defined ports.
- Fixed a small but annoying bug in the upgrade flow.
- Minor improvements to head animation and MIDI handling.
- Bug fix: can now check for new versions when the head tracker is unplugged.
1.01 (2021-05-02)
- Carries bootloader 1.12 / firmware 0.58.
- Operates from a single window and doesn’t invoke any others.
- Uses an icon grid to navigate panes, rather than text buttons.
- Added the connection pane to improve performance with third-party MIDI software.
- Added the manual connect/disconnect mode.
- Option to quit rather than minimise the window when the close button is pressed.
- Troubleshooting pane now shows raw sensor data, and disables connection timeout. Added a ‘wipe settings’ feature when in bootloader mode.
- Various improvements to appearance.
- Bug fix: yaw/pitch/roll mode applied rotations to the head animation in the wrong order.
- Bug fix: improved bootloader mode handling.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and appearance improvements.
1.00 (2021-02-19)
- Carries bootloader 1.12 / firmware 0.55.